Celebrating Social Workers’ Efforts in Promoting Family-Based Care

As we mark World Social Work Day throughout the week, we want to celebrate the efforts, commitment and work of the social workers we are privileged to work alongside and learn from, recognising that they are at the forefront of contributing to the global efforts in deinstitutionalising care practices.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) recognises the right of every child to grow up in a family environment. However, an estimated 5.4 to 8 million children live in orphanages worldwide.

Change is possible, but only through joint, collective action, which is why we’re part of a growing global movement to end the era of orphanages so that children can grow up in safe and loving families.

With support, families can be strengthened to stay together, and when alternative care is necessary and appropriate, models such as kinship and foster care enable children to be cared for safely in families and communities, making the ‘need’ for orphanages obsolete.

As part of our approach, we partner with organisations worldwide through practice reflection, resource sharing, learning experiences, financial investment, and practical guidance to support them in developing contextually-appropriate models of family-based care that work for their countries.

#WSWD2023 provides an opportunity to acknowledge how communities can make powerful actions that lead to inclusive social transformation, and we recognise that long-lasting, meaningful change happens locally through diverse communities as they know what is needed in their contexts and cultures.

We are privileged to partner with and learn from social workers who are committed to supporting children to grow up in families and finding and implementing solutions that are best for their communities.  

As we celebrate Social Work Week, we’re celebrating the incredible social workers we’re privileged to work with by sharing why they love being social workers – their answers are inspiring, to say the least. 

“I am proud to be a social worker because of the precious smiles and happiness I am able to bring to children and families. Our movement of reunifying children with their families after long years of separation makes me proud… I love being a social worker because it makes our community, family, and children better.”


Senior Reintegration Officer, The Himalayan Innovative Society

“I love being a social worker because I love doing small things every day to help people. I am grateful that my profession gives me a platform to work for humanity and fulfil my purpose. Supporting youth and children by providing them guidance, enabling them to envision their future goals and keeping people encouraged to be changemakers in their own lives gives me a sense of purpose and satisfaction.”


Case Manager, Family Together Initiative, Udayan Care

“I love being a social worker because I meet various and unique people and learn the meaning of life through them, and they give me a chance to explore the world’s beauty. When I see people facing challenges and making an effort to solve them, it makes me proud as a social worker.”


Social Worker, Harum

“I love being a social worker because this work increases my concern for fellow human beings. I love supporting my clients in solving their problems. I also feel that I am a human being who can benefit other humans, even if only a little. As we meet, we can strengthen one another.”


Social Worker, Harum

“I am proud to be a Social Worker because it has given me a platform to provide services and support to the vulnerable and those in need. Social work has given me a chance to restore hope to those that might have lost it and also to put a smile on the faces of many little ones. Through Social Work, I have been able to be part of teams that advocate for the wellbeing of children which is one of the things that make me feel fulfilled.”


Social Worker, Child’s i Foundation

“I love being a social worker because it’s my calling to help others. I love making a difference in someone’s life. I feel humbled to be part of a profession that supports people at their most vulnerable times. I walk into people’s lives and make a difference to ensure a positive impact.”


Social Worker, Child’s i Foundation

“I am proud to be a Social Worker because social work is love, kind and holistic. With social work practice, I have the necessary skills to initiate the positive change I want to see in families and communities. When we work together, we can do much to make families and communities better places for children to grow and thrive.”


Social Worker, Child’s i Foundation

“I am proud to be a social worker because I am always learning, meeting people from different walks of life and creating good relationships with families and partners. I am proud of how I have made a positive and meaningful difference in people’s lives. I can’t imagine doing any other job. My heart has always been set on helping the vulnerable achieve social justice, and it is very clear that I am in the right place. I am very happy where I am.”


Social Worker, Child’s i Foundation

“Being a social worker allows me to make a genuine impact on young people’s lives and has a tremendous amount of human connections, and that’s why I adore what I do”.

Seema Naaz

Practice Development Coordinator, Martin James Foundation

“I love being a social worker because it means walking alongside children, their families and carers through happy times as well as through change and uncertainty. It has given me the privilege of being part of people’s lives.”

Louise Cox

International Programme Manager, Martin James Foundation

“I am proud to be a social worker because I have the opportunity to provide people with the support they need to help them reach their full potential. It is the kind of work that has the power to change people’s lives and empower them”.


Social Worker, FAMadagascar

“I love working in social work because family is an essential foundation for community and society. In life, we can face complex challenges that can affect the livelihood of children and families, and it’s good to participate in joint efforts to solve problems together. For better futures for family, community and society, we must be able to rely on each other.”


Community Staff of Alternative Care Team, One Sky Foundation

“I am proud to be a social worker because I am part of making a difference for children and families. Even if it’s a small change, it can be a change for the better.”


Social Worker, One Sky Foundation

Join us in supporting children, families, and communities